

"When Simon Anderson invented the thruster setup, the surf world was turned on its head. Then people started riding quads, and now people are riding anything and everything, Each his own, as they say. The hipster single-fin fanatics don’t care while caring a whole lot. Then there’s Tobias Smith, who just released a line of micro-fins."- Alexander Haro,


 Since the official release in 2015 Zigfin's have been embraced by the global longboard fraternity. By adding a set of side bytes to a longboard, the otherwise empty cavitating holes can be put to use for added drive and control for any situations. "The big 9'4'' went sick with the side bytes, my wife reckons it was the best she's seen me surf in years. I've always surfed a single fin mal but the 4+1 went unreal, so quick on the inside sections. Got a few 5's and 10's on the nose! Awsesome day on the ocean." - Mark Keman, Zigfin longboarder.


Sally Paxton; Australian Longboard Champion 1986  " Wow.... So much faster, just pedal to the metal, I really feel the difference, they just track and hold me in on steep windblown faces, I'm stoked with your Zigfins!"